Did you know that worldwide, more females than males are enrolled in higher education? In high-income countries the disparity is 82 percent versus 65 percent and is reversed in lower-income countries. Education and Skills 2.0: New Targets and Innovative Approaches, a new book from the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Education and Skills, has an entire chapter exploring disparities in girls’ education across seven key areas: literacy, primary enrollment, secondary enrollment, out-of-school tally, tertiary enrollment, complete rate and transitions, and repetition rate.
Teach.com and the Global Agenda Council on Education and Skills have collaborated to create the following Infographic, Girls’ Education: The 2013 Report Card, to better illustrate the current state of girls’ education internationally. Click here to read the entire chapter on girls’ education.
![WEF Girls Education Infographic](http://teach.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/WEF-Girls-Education-Infographic.jpg)